Wednesday 25 January 2012

Garden Plans

Today The Mud House is surely living up to its name.  Massive downpours have turned newly levelled ground (ready for concreting... when things dry up) into a huge quagmire (pics of that later)  With the most rain falling since the house went underwater a year ago, the tide is edging into the front yards, surely not bringing with it fond memories for any of our neighbours.

Our frontage fills up a bit with a king high tide.  I remember losing our front yard many times to the tide on the river where I grew up.

We are ecstatic with the progress in a week though, and happily did a whole bunch to the garden on the weekend while it was dry.  Sadly, lots of garden had to go as there are just so many garden beds, and the hedges we agreed we're entirely unwilling to maintain.  We just crave space, and with my two children, its an absolute necessity for parental sanity! 

I'm very excited to be starting an organic veggie garden from scratch.  Its not something I'm very good at yet, but I'm ever hopeful. I'm gleaning advice from the experts such as Nicola Chatham at  Her site, Sprout, is proving to be a massive help!  I recommend a look.

Nice gardens but they hide the house..  its not like they're needed for privacy as the house is not visible from the street.

Lovely formal hedges, but not for us I'm afraid.

I've grand plans for a beautiful herb garden to line the pathway to the house.

Oh, and I am so pleased to report we have fantastic neighbours!! Always a relief to find out with a new home.  Everyone out here is so proud of their beautiful properties, and they really enjoy maintaining them.  Ours was already getting a big overgrown, and new friend next door has mowed our pathway down to the river.  Thanks Brian!

A much needed bit of mowing.

One more thing... the vacant block next door has provided me with a new strategy for getting the boys to sleep at night...  I'm going to start aiming for record numbers of hill climbs per day!  They love it.  Ready Set Goooo!  xc

Wearing out my boys is no easy task.

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