Friday 20 January 2012

Progress in pictures

Progress at the Mud House is being made at a rapid rate!  Other halfs pretty excited we now have power and water to the place.  Most of the old muddied, flooded out stuff has been torn out now.

Main bathroom. covered in sludge.

Bathroom ... gone.

The ensuite bathroom. 

Everything was covered in a layer of crusty insultation that came out of the ceiling.  Made the toilets look particularly disgusting!  so had to share this. 
The ensuite bathroom... gone.  Walk in robe on right. This doorway will be moved to the right, so bed can be centre to take full advantage of the river view. 
I think we're keeping Aussie Skip Bags pretty busy!

Its an exciting pace!  Meanwhile the pace back at our current home not so exciting.  Between work, kids and house, I'm not getting a whole lot of packing (or much else for that matter) done.  Must stop running on the spot with new approach... will start loading up the caravan, then divide everything else into charity, box and BIN!  xc

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